For my 4th year honours project, I designed an app for the young generation who have eczema. This project means a lot to me personally as I have had bad eczema since I was a child and have always been self-conscious about it.
My project explored the lack of eczema positivity in the world, and how that is a huge contributor to the unconscious social stigma that surrounds the condition.

In the app people can help others and share their eczema journeys together, no one quite understands what it’s like to have eczema except those with eczema. Users draw their own interpretation of their eczema giving them control and empowerment over it. Positive prompts are highlighted for users to see others share positivity and awareness around eczema.
The app is designed to have a friendlier, fun tone which is what makes it stand out compared to the usual clinical, medical looking apps for eczema. This is shown through the lack of photos, instead using a graphic and cartoon style design to create a positive, calm online space.
Here is my project booklet, it is a documentation of my project process and reflects the visual style of the project.
My honours Instagram account also shows the process of my project over the years.

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