This group project was about creating an installation to go in Edinburgh Children's Hospital, it would be in the microtia unit hence the theme of ears. For the project, I designed the ear graphic we initially used to play with the different shapes of microtia ears, I layered them up and played with the placement and orientation to create fun and interesting patterns.
Our idea was to create a textured 3D wall installation with red and blue microtia ears intruding and extruding on the wall, people in the unit could walk past and interact with the wall by putting on the glasses we designed and experiencing the visual sensory elements of the 3D ear wall.
We also designed for little ear prints leading up to the wall like a breadcrumb trail, this would attract people to the installation and add a sense of suspense and excitement for kids.
Overall, this project was super fun and educational, this was the first proper client brief I had worked on so it was a great learning experience for me as a designer!

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